When it comes to family photos, we all know how amazing they can be and how much we love the end product, but sometimes figuring out where to do them can seem overwhelming.
Now, while there are so many different places that work great for these photos, as a family photographer myself, one of my favorite locations is right in your own home. Yes, really!! your family in this environment and as they are on a day to day basis.
So, if picking the right location and making sure that you bring along everything to keep all of your little ones happy throughout the session feels a bit too daunting, or if you’re craving something a little more authentic and true to your real life, check out why in-home family photos may be just what you are looking for.
Why I Love In-Home Family Photos
I could honestly go on and on about why I love taking family photos right in your own space (but don’t worry, I’m not going to). Instead, here are just a few of the top reasons why in-home family photos are the bee’s knees.
The opportunity to include candid moments can’t be beat.

Now, I’m going to preface this by saying that just because we are doing them in your home, doesn’t mean I am not going to come with a plan. Just like with an outdoor session, I’m going to have a rough plan, a series of “must get” shots/posings/groupings in mind to work through for the session.
But, the magic of in-home sessions comes in those in-between moments. Think your kiddo hiding and playing peek-a-boo behind the curtain, digging out last October’s Halloween costume to show off, capturing the everyday mundane moments of this moment of life.
Everything from a quick break for a snack, the big fat tears and then the comforting hug from Dad that makes it all better after a tumble, snuggling up in bed to read a quick story or anything else that your little ones surprise you with are fair game to photograph and reported to be some of my client’s favorite images when they get their photos back.
The opportunity for more documentary style moments are endless with these sessions too! You can spend some or all of your session just playing together and spending time as a family while I capture you as you are.
You can do things like play board games together, bake cookies, read a book, jump on the bed, do a sink bath with baby, go on a walk around your neighborhood, or even play with some Legos.
Not only does this create amazing memories and moments, but they also help take away the pressure of the session and make it more fun. While I like to think I’m pretty dang good at taking some of the pressure away, these activities can REALLY help to make the session fun and enjoyable for you and your kiddos.
Everything you need is at your fingertips

One of the biggest benefits of in-home sessions, especially when your kids are younger, is that everything you need is right there. You don’t have to worry about packing anything they may want into bags or even wrangling your crew out of the house.
Diaper blow out requiring a full blown bath/outfit change? No problemo. Your kid is suddenly Hangry with a capital H, despite the 4 snacks she had just before I arrived? No big deal – time for another mini-meal.
Your 2 year old is having the most epic meltdown of all time and just needs a moment with all her stuffies to regroup? It’s all right here.
This just makes everything less stressful and more enjoyable for everyone in your family. Plus, it makes it so easy to include your furry family members in your photos because let’s be honest, what makes you smile more than capturing some love from your pets?
We get to capture this space you have built in an authentic way

Your family is unique and special and so is the home that you are building around you. For some people, this may only be your space for a little bit and for others, it may be where you raise all of your children.
However long you stay in your house, it is a part of your story and a part of your family in a meaningful way. So, doing photos here is as real as it gets. It’s the perfect way capture your life as it is in this moment.
Now, there is one major thing I want to say about this: Your house DOES NOT have to be magazine worthy and spotless for an in-home session. No one’s house is like that in real life and yours doesn’t need to be either.
My families are all real people, with lived in homes full of stuff, just like yours. So sure, take a bit of time to clear away any major clutter, but lived in is A-ok. You want to be able look back at these photos years from now and actually recognize the space.
We’re capturing your family in your real environment here, and those toys are part of life right now. Not to mention, I am happy to clear some space when needed. The bottom line – don’t stress.
I will say, the rule of thumb that I like to use is to clean your house like you would if a good friend were coming over and leave it at that!
In-home family photos give us more flexibility with the schedule

Don’t get me wrong, we all know how gorgeous golden hour is at those prime outdoor locations, but it also means we can sometimes feel like we are at the mercy of timing and weather (Or pushing your kid waaaaaay past their bedtime due to the long days of summer).
When it comes to in-home sessions, we don’t have to worry about any of that. If we need to take extra time to have a snack or calm someone down after a meltdown, we don’t feel rushed because we are burning daylight.
Overall, the name of the game is keeping this as stress free and natural as possible and being in your own home makes it so that everyone involved is so much more comfortable.
Plus, I am well adept at supplementing with a kiss of artificial lighting when needed so no matter the time of day or the natural light in your home, you know your photos will turn out amazing.
The photos are timeless

Finally, these photos are just timeless. It’s almost like having your own time-capsule of everyone and everything that makes your family your family at this fleeting moment. You’ll be able to look back on these pictures years from now and feel like you are unearthing memories that were forgotten.
We will document that home that you were in that you may have moved out of, their favorite stuffed animal that you haven’t seen since that vacation when they were 10, that outfit that they just insisted on wearing every single day, or even just how small they were all those years ago.
Final Thoughts on Family Photos at Home
Honestly, when it comes to where to have your session, in-home family photos will always be some of my favorites. Not only does it make it easier to plan since everything is right there, but it also helps to capture your family in the most true to life way.
So, if you are ready to have your own family session at home or out in the world, I’d love to help capture those memories for you. You can click here to learn more about my family photography services or head over here to get in touch!
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