The Baby Plan:
First Year Baby Photos

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I’m so very excited you’re here! A little about me. I’m a recovering perfectionist, striving minimalist, glass half full-er, and life-time learner. I’m passionate about what I do and I’m all about capturing the joy, movement, emotion, and most of all the everyday imperfect beauty of your family.
I'm Kate.
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My Unique Process for Newborn Photos with Siblings

Newborn photography is special, but it can be even more special as your family starts to grow and your babies start to become older siblings. This family bonding and these sibling interactions are just as important and just as special to capture as those first few days or weeks of your baby’s life. 

This is why I love having family newborn photo sessions with siblings.  They roll a little…well a lot (haha!)…differently than a session with just a newborn baby.  But I wouldn’t have it any other way!  There so much beauty to capture in the chaos.

OMG! I’ve never gotten pics back from a photo shoot and been so happy. I was smiling from ear to ear. You really captured our family and some fun and happy love. We loved having you document the chaos. 


Plus, this is a big adjustment for your other kiddos and including them in this session is a great way for them to bond with their new sibling and also spend time with you as their parents. 

So, if you are working on number two or three or seven, here is a look into my process for newborn photos with siblings and how I help to make sure everyone in your family feels included and seen! 

My Family Newborn Photos Process 

My newborn sessions are a full family affair!  We’ll naturally be focusing on the new addition, but I strive to highlight the love and connection in a family and the awe for the new bundle that has just joined your life. When I look at the photos of my own family that capture my heart, the ones that evoke that feeling are always images that capture these real and raw relationships and personalities.  

So that’s what I strive to deliver to my clients as well. With my in-home newborn sessions being lifestyle in nature, I’m able to capture images that give all the feels in a truly authentic way with every single family member involved.


I always like to have a nice mix of “poses” that I set up, along with all the candid “in-between” moments that happen, most especially with siblings in the mix. I’m always watching for those in-between moments and they are nothing short of gold when they inevitably happen. 

Individual Shots

a young child smiling while crawling under a piece of furniture

I always grab several photos of each kid individually because let’s be honest everyone needs their moment to shine. Especially as a new baby is added into the family, sometimes your other kids can start to feel a bit jealous or like they aren’t getting as much attention anymore. 

While the majority of the session will be focused on the newest member of your family, doing some individual shots of all of your kids will help to make them feel special and seen. 

Keeping Kids Engaged

I come armed with ALL the techniques/tricks to engage and work with all that siblings will throw at me. I have 3 kids of my own and am very realistic in my expectations of kids’ developmental stages and typical behavior.  

I’m totally expecting your 2 year old to just keep telling us “NO!” and running away. I’m not at all bothered by your toddler’s bouncing off the wall energy/screaming. Or your teenager subtly or not so subtly rolling there eyes at me.  

I expect behavior in line with kids being kids and there is absolutely no reason for you to feel like you need to be embarrassed by your kids behavior or to perform as a model parent during your session.  

Trust me – anything your kid is about to do, I guarantee mine has done it too. 

Going with the Flow

two young girls playing on a bed while their mother holds a newborn baby

Guidance and redirecting your kids is helpful during the session, but don’t get so caught up in discipline that we miss an amazing shot because your kiddo does something adorable and you’re mean mugging in frustration.  

A photo session is a rare and lovely moment to really relax our expectations of our kids and just settle in and have fun as they act like….well…kids.  

Your new motto:  just keep smiling no matter what. I promise I’ll ask you for a little extra help with redirection if it’s needed.

Even if you think your other kiddo won’t go for whatever game, prompt, etc. I’m suggesting, just roll with it – you’d be surprised how open little ones can be to something they wouldn’t at all participate in when it’s suggested by a non-parent or on a special day like your session.  

If it ends up not being their jam, I’ll quickly move on to the next thing in my repertoire. 

Remember too that kids are more in touch with you than you may think. If you are getting really stressed or anxious, they are going to pick up on that and also feel stressed and anxious. 

This is supposed to be a fun time for you and your family so just take a breath and remember to stay present in the moment and enjoy the time that you get to spend with your kids. 

They are never going to be this little again and I promise, as much as they make you crazy, you are going to miss them being this small one day. 

Why In Home Family Newborn Sessions are Amazing

In general, I absolutely love in-home sessions for any newborn (or family!) photo session. I think it is the perfect way to capture your family in an authentic way and really show what is was like during this exact moment in time. 

But, when it comes to family newborn photos (especially newborn photos with siblings), in-home sessions are just that much better. First, you are going to have multiple kids to wrangle. If all of your kids are younger, this means planning for multiple diaper bags, strollers, snacks, and anything else they would need if you were to do an outdoor or studio session. 

That can really start to add up and feel a bit overwhelming to plan and get organized, especially the morning of the photoshoot when your little one doesn’t want to put on their right shoe and your newborn just had a blowout. 

With at home sessions, everything is right there. You don’t have to worry about packing anything or forgetting anything because if you need it, you can just go to the next room and grab it. 

I find that these sessions are also a bit less stressful because everyone is just more comfortable in their own space. If your toddler needs to take a minute to themselves, they can just go to their room and be surrounded by everything they love. 

Plus, they also have the option to just remove themselves and go grab a snack or have some lunch while I keep photographing other family members! 

Finally, being in a familiar place can help your kids come out of their shell during the early parts of the session and be more engaged with the rest of the family. Sometimes something as simple as following them into their room and taking a picture of them with their favorite stuffed animal can be enough to get them excited and engaged with the session. 

Final Thoughts Newborn Photos with Siblings

Adding a new member to your family is an incredibly exciting time, but being able to capture those moments with all of your kids together in the very special place you are building your family is another kind of amazing.

Newborn photos with siblings and your whole family photos create real life, authentic photos documenting this moment in time (vs memories). You simply can’t get all that will a more posed and formal studio newborn session.

If you are expecting your next child and want to capture their entrance into the world alongside all of your kids, I would love to chat with you about a family newborn session. You can click here to check out my photography services or you can head over here to get in touch and talk about your plans for your photos! 

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A young boy sitting laying down with their newborn sibling in their arms


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